Live webinar on the scope of the Business Combinations under Common Control project

  • IASB webcast Image

23 Jan, 2018

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) announces a live webinar on the scope of its Business Combinations under Common Control project. Registration for the 31 January webinar is now open.

In December 2017 the IASB concluded its discussions of the scope of the project and the webinar will discuss the Board’s decisions and illustrative examples of transactions within the scope.

The IASB will offer a morning and an afternoon session to accommodate stakeholders in time zones around the world. Both 45-minute web presentations will also allow participants to ask questions. Registration is required (on the IASB's website) for the sessions:

A recording of the webinar will be available in due course. Please see the IASB press release for more information.

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