The Board discussed the following topics:
Tuesday 24 April
Primary Financial Statements
The Board discussed clarifying the requirements for management performance measures (MPMs) and requirements for management-defined adjusted earnings per share (adjusted EPS) in the financial statements.
Business Combinations under Common Control
The staff updated the Board on the approaches they are developing for BCUCC transactions.
Wednesday 25 April
Goodwill and impairment
The Board decided not change the requirement to recognise all identifiable assets acquired in a business combination separately from goodwill. The Board did not decide whether the next stage in the project should be to issue a Discussion Paper or an Exposure Draft, but instead asked the staff to consider this matter further and bring a new paper to a future meeting.
Dynamic Risk Management [Macro-hedging]
The Board discussed qualifying criteria for the financial liabilities used to determine an entity’s target profile, the designation and de-designation of financial liabilities within the Dynamic Risk Management (DRM) model and corresponding documentation requirements.
Disclosure Initiative – Definition of Material
In 2017 the IASB published a proposal to amend the definition of material in IAS 1 and IAS 8. The comment period closed in January 2018. The Board discussed a general summary of the comments received. The Board supported continuing to develop the amendments.
The Board reviewed the activities of the IFRS Interpretations Committee. The discussion include concerns raised by respondents about the Committee providing technical responses to highly-specific fact patterns submitted. Overall, the Board is comfortable with the approach the Interpretations Committee is taking.
Please click to access the detailed notes taken by Deloitte observers for the entire meeting.