Recent sustainability and integrated reporting developments

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10 Apr, 2018

A summary of recent developments at the CDSB, CDSB/WBCSD, CDSB/CDP, GRI/RMI, Green Finance Taskforce, and CSA.

The Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) has released an updated version of its framework for reporting environmental information, natural capital and associated business impacts, which is now aligned with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The newly-released Framework presents clear links between its principles and reporting requirements with the TCFD recommendations and the supporting recommended disclosures. Please click to access the updated Framework on the CDSB website.

The CDSB and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) have released new research that takes a closer look into opportunities for alignment in sustainability reporting, with a deeper dive into corporate governance requirements across 60 countries, building on the strong need for further harmonisation in this area. Please clickk to access the research report on the CDSB website.

The CDSB and and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) have released A brief introduction to climate disclosure in France. The publication is part of of the two organisations' series looking at climate disclosure regulations in G20 countries. Please click to access the briefing paper on the CDSB website.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) have announced a project to help improve companies’ minerals sourcing due diligence and impact reporting by providing reporting resources and tools based on internationally recognised frameworks. Based on the outcome of the project, the RMI and GRI will develop a consolidated reporting resource for responsible minerals sourcing reporting, and inform the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB). Please see the press release on the GRI website for more information.

An independent taskforce in the UK (Green Finance Taskforce) has produced a report that sets out a series of recommendations on how the government and the private sector can work together to make green finance and integral part of the UK’s financial services. Included within the report are proposals as to how the recommendations of the TCFD should be implemented in the UK. The report is available on the website of the UK Government.

The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) have published Report on Climate change-related Disclosure Project. The report summarises the findings of the CSA’s project to review the disclosure by reporting issuers of risks and financial impacts associated with climate change and outlines its plans for future work. Please click to access the report the website of the Ontario Securities Commission.

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