IIRC launches a new <IR> Academic Database

  • IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Committee) (green) Image

14 Aug, 2018

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has launched a new <IR> Academic Database. The database highlights potential positive benefits of adopting integrated reporting (<IR>) and emerging best practice based on academic studies.

The <IR> Academic Database is run on a voluntary basis by the<IR> Academic Network; a network that provides a space for connecting theory and practice by bridging academia to those who directly prepare and benefit from integrated reports.

Over 1,600 companies in 65 countries are using integrated reporting. Research included in the database concludes that integrated reporting leads to increased stock liquidity, better performance, higher market valuation and a longer-term investor base for the businesses that adopt it.

The database, which represents the most comprehensive collection of scholarly investigation into the impact of integrated reporting in the world, will be the focal point for academic research on integrated reporting in the future and provides opportunity for further study, complementing the IIRC’s global <IR> Academic Network.

The press release and the database, a freely available resource, can be found on the integrated reporting website.

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