Summary of the July 2018 ASAF meeting now available

  • ASAF meeting (mid blue) Image

04 Sep, 2018

The staff of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) have made available a summary of the discussions of the Accounting Standards Advisory Forum (ASAF) meeting held in London on 9 and 10 July 2018.

The topics covered during the meeting were the following (numbers in brackets are references to the corresponding paragraphs of the summary):

  • Financial instruments with characteristics of equity (1–6): The IASB staff provided an education session for ASAF members on the Discussion Paper Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity issued in June 2018.
  • Business combinations under common control (7–25): ASAF members discussed (1) discuss the results of a joint investor survey conducted by the HKICPA and OIC as well as (2) measurement approaches developed by the staff for transactions within the scope of the Board’s BCUCC project.
  • Better communication (26–41): ASAF members gave feedback (1) on moving the primary financial statements project from the research agenda to the standard-setting agenda and (2) on the AcSB’s draft framework for reporting performance measures.
  • Property, Plant and Equipment – Proceeds before intended use (42–48): ASAF members were asked for advice on the possible ways forward regarding ED and the project in general.
  • Goodwill and impairment (49–68): ASAF members (1) offered their views about disclosures that the Board tentatively decided to consider and additional possible disclosures the staff are considering to improve disclosure requirements for business combinations, goodwill and impairment and (2) were asked whether they have any suggestions or ideas for other possible disclosures that can provide better and timely information without imposing costs that exceed the benefits.
  • Better communication (continued) (69–77): The ASAF members provided advice on (1) the Board's process for developing and drafting guidance for the Board regarding disclosure objectives and requirements and (2) which standards the Board should select for review.
  • Accounting for pensions (78–91): ASAF members discussed a proposal that the IASB consider hybrid pension plans either as another dimension of the research pipeline project or a project in itself.
  • Project updates and agenda planning (92–95): ASAF members discussed the proposed agenda for the October 2018 ASAF meeting.

A full summary of the meeting is available on the IASB's website.

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