IASB posts webcast on IFRS IC and IASB agenda decisions

  • IASB webcast Image

02 Jul, 2019

In April 2019, the Trustees of the IFRS Foundation issued an updated IFRS Foundation Due Process Handbook for public comment. Clarifications regarding the role and status of agenda decisions published by the Interpretations Committee (IFRS IC) and amendments to make agenda decisions a tool for the Board were the most prominent proposed amendments.

In the context of the proposed amendments, the IASB has posted a webcast with IASB Chair Hans Hoogervorst, IASB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd and IFRS Foundation staff member Sam Prestidge that discusses some of the main elements of due process around agenda decisions.

The 13 minute webcast can be accessed through the press release on the IASB website.

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