EFRAG publishes March 2020 issue of 'EFRAG Update'
04 Apr, 2020
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has published an 'EFRAG Update' summarising public technical discussions held and decisions made during March 2020.
The update reports on the EFRAG Board meeting on 17 March, the EFRAG Technical Expert Group (TEG) meeting on 4 and 5 March and webcast on 20 March, the EFRAG TEG and EFRAG User Panel meeting on 4 March 2020, the EFRAG TEG and EFRAG Consultative Forum of Standard Setters (EFRAG CFSS) meeting on 25 March and the European Lab Steering Group meeting on 6 March.
The update also lists EFRAG publications issued in March:
- EFRAG's pre-consultation document, in anticipation of the IASB's forthcoming Exposure Draft IBOR Phase 2;
- EFRAG's announcement of the composition of the EFRAG Advisory Panel on Intangibles;
- EFRAG and the IFRS Foundation Trustees's jointly published article on the networking stakeholder event co-hosted with the IFRS Foundation Trustees on 18 February 2020;
- EFRAG's letter to the IASB requesting them to consider extending some of the consultation periods on recent or soon to be issued publications as in response to the Covid-19 pandemic;
- EFRAG's Letter to the IASB on amendments to IFRS17 Insurance Contracts;
- EFRAG's invitation for companies to participate in the field-test on the IASB's project Primary Financial Statements; and
- EFRAG's call for candidates to become members of the new Project Task Force on reporting of non-financial risks and opportunities and linkage to the business model of the European Lab.
Please click to download the March EFRAG update from the EFRAG website.