IFRS Foundation Trustees seek ASAF members

  • ASAF (Accounting Standards Advisory Forum) (mid blue) Image

11 Mar, 2021

The IFRS Foundation is calling for applications from national standard-setters and regional bodies to become members of the Accounting Standards Advisory Forum (ASAF).

ASAF was set up in 2013 to formalise and streamline the relationships between the IFRS Foundation and IASB with representatives from across the standard-setting community, in order to bring important regional perspectives to the IASB's technical work and to offer feedback on the most important issues of the day.

The ASAF is comprised of 12 members and a non-voting chair (being the IASB chair or vice-chair).  The 12 members are sourced from the following geographical regions:

  • Africa: 1 member
  • Americas (North and South): 3 members
  • Asia/Oceania: 3 members
  • Europe (including non-EU): 3 members
  • World at large*: 2 members

* subject to maintaining overall geographical balance.

Membership of the ASAF is open to all recognised accounting standard-setters of jurisdictions and regional bodies. Existing ASAF members are eligible for reappointment.

The closing date for applications is 30 April 2021. The first ASAF meeting of the new membership will take place on 9–10 December 2021.

Please click for more information in the press release on the IASB website.

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