EFRAG announces new Board members

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

30 Mar, 2021

The EFRAG’s General Assembly has announced the appointment of five new EFRAG Board members and the ppointment of a new EFRAG Board Vice-President.

The new Board members are Olivier Scherer (accountancy profession se​​​at, French); Michael Fechner (corporate sector seat, German); Roman Sauer (insurance sector seat, German); Serge Pattyn (user seat, Belgian); and Gerhard Prachner (AFRAC, Austria). Serge Pattyn has also been appointed EFRAG Board Vice-President.

The new members will begin their three-year terms on 1 May 2021. They replace Hans Buysse (EFRAG Board Vice-President), Luca Cencio​​​ni, Benoit Jaspar, Claes Norberg, Laurence Rivat and Mark Vaessen.

For more information, see the press release on the EFRAG website.

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