January 2022 IASB meeting notes posted
28 Jan, 2022
The IASB met in London on Tuesday 25 January 2022. We have posted our comprehensive Deloitte observer notes for all projects discussed during the meeting.
The following topics were discussed:
Maintenance and Consistent Application
In April 2021, the IASB published ED/2021/4 Lack of Exchangeability, which proposed to amend IAS 21. The comment period ended in September 2021. The purpose of this paper was to provide the IASB with a summary of feedback on the ED. There was general support for the proposals, with some suggestions. The IASB was not asked to make any decisions at this meeting.
No comments were made by IASB members about the most recent meeting of the IFRS Interpretations Committee.
Business Combinations under Common Control
The IASB published its Discussion Paper (DP) Business Combinations under Common Control (BCUCC) in November 2020. At this meeting the staff presented detailed summaries of feedback on the remaining topics from the DP: how to apply each measurement method (being the acquisition method and the book-value method) and disclosure. The feedback was very mixed. The IASB did not object to the plan for deliberating the preliminary views in the DP.
Board work plan update
The staff gave the IASB an overview of its technical projects to support decisions about whether to add or remove projects, as may be discussed in individual project papers and an assessment of overall progress on the work plan, including project prioritisation and timing. The paper set out projects completed since the last update, listed the projects out for consultation and noted that no documents are expected to be published for consultation within approximately the next six months. (Note: this conclusion relates only to the IASB. We expect the new ISSB will publish consultation documents in the next six months). There was no discussion of this paper.
Approach to prioritising matters arising from post-implementation reviews
The staff have developed proposals to provide a more consistent approach to prioritising matters arising from post-implementation reviews (PIRs). The IASB supported the recommendations, which consider the nature of the evidence collected, what factors should lead to further action and how to prioritise projects.
Feedback on IFRS Taxonomy 2021—Proposed Update
The staff gave an oral update on responses to PTU/2021/3 IFRS Taxonomy 2021—Proposed Update 3—Initial Application of IFRS 17 and IFRS 9—Comparative Information (Amendment to IFRS 17). Only two comment letters were received and the staff expect to finalise the update in March.
Primary Financial Statements
The IASB decided to confirm the requirement for an entity to: disclose a description of why an MPM communicates management’s view of performance, including an explanation of how the MPM is calculated and how the measure provides useful information about the entity’s performance; disclose a reconciliation between an MPM and the most directly comparable subtotal or total specified in the Standards; add a requirement for an entity to disclose, for each item reconciling an MPM to the most directly comparable subtotal or total specified by IFRS Standards, the amount(s) related to each line item(s) in the statement(s) of financial performance. The IASB decided not to specify that one way to meet this requirement is to use a side-by-side columnar format for the reconciliation, but will provide an illustrative example using side-by-side disclosure.
The staff had recommended the IASB retain the proposed requirements to disclose the income tax effects and the effect on NCI for each item disclosed in a reconciliation between an MPM and the most directly comparable IFRS specified subtotal or total and how the entity determined the income tax effect. The IASB decided not to vote on this paper before further research has been conducted by the staff.
Please click to access the detailed notes taken by Deloitte observers for the entire meeting.