UK Endorsement Board launches recruitment campaign to establish key advisory groups

  • UK Endorsement Board (UKEB) Image

10 Mar, 2022

The UK Endorsement Board (UKEB) has launched a campaign to recruit members of the Accounting Firms & Institutes Advisory Group (AFIAG) and the Investor Advisory Group (IAG).

The UKEB will establish six advisory groups that will provide specialist knowledge and information as input into its technical decision-making.

The four standing advisory groups that will be chaired by Board members, will be for:

  • Academics,
  • Accounting Firms & Institutes,
  • Investors, and
  • Preparers.

Two ad hoc advisory groups will also be established for Financial Institutions and Rate Regulated Activities. These will be chaired by senior members of the Secretariat.

The recruitment campaigns will be staggered with recruitment of members for the Accounting Firms and Institutes group and the Investor group commencing first.

On 23 March 2022, the campaigns to recruit members for the Preparer Advisory Group (PAG) and Academic Advisory Group (AAG) were also launched.

Update 8 April 2022 - the deadline to recruit members to the Investor Advisory Group (IAG) has been extended to 26 April 2022.  Click here for more information (link to FRC website).

Further information on the roles, and how to apply, is available on the UKEB website.

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