EFRAG publishes April 2022 issue of EFRAG Update
03 May, 2022
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has published an ‘EFRAG Update’ summarising public technical discussions held and decisions made during April 2022.
The update reports on the EFRAG FR Board webcast meeting on 4 April, the EFRAG FR TEG webcast meeting on 12-13 April and the EFRAG FR TEG and EFRAG User Panel (UP) joint webcast meeting held on 12 April. The update also covers EFRAG’s sustainability reporting and related activities as well as webinars and online outreaches.
The update also lists publications issued in April including:
- EFRAG’s Draft Comment Letter on the IFRS IC's Tentative Agenda
Decisions in the final phase of implementing IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts - EFRAG’s Feedback Statement related to its Draft Comment Letter on the IASB Exposure Draft ED/2021/7 Subsidiaries without Public Accountability: Disclosures
- EFRAG’s Feedback Statement related to its Draft Comment Letter on the IASB Exposure Draft ED/2021/9 Non-current Liabilities with Covenants
- EFRAG’s Recommendations and Feedback Statement on the EFRAG Discussion Paper Accounting for Crypto-assets (Liabilities)
- EFRAG’s Feedback Statement related to its Comment Letter on the IASB Exposure Draft ED/2021/10 Supplier Finance Arrangements
Please click to download the April EFRAG Update from the EFRAG website.