The Value Reporting Foundation publishes The Transition to integrated thinking: a guide to getting started

  • IFRS Foundation (blue) Image

01 Aug, 2022

The Value Reporting Foundation (VRF), recently consolidated into the IFRS Foundation, has published a new guide which seeks to assist senior leadership and those charged with governance in an organisation on their journeys towards embedding integrated thinking.

The Transition to integrated thinking: a guide to getting started introduces integrated thinking and the recently published Integrated Thinking Principles, considering the benefits and challenges of practising integrated thinking. The Guide provides a five step approach to fully applying integrated thinking into an organisation, from the assessment stage through to the review and improve stage.

Also published by the VRF is a new Integrated Thinking Resource Hub, an online collection of best practices, processes and tools.

The Transition to integrated thinking: a guide to getting started is available here.

The Integrated Thinking Principles v1.0 is available here.

The Integrated Thinking Resource Hub can be accessed here.

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