
IFRS Foundation announces IFRS Interpretations Committee reappointments

13 Apr, 2023

The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation have reappointed Renata Bandeira, Sophie Massol, Jon Nelson, and Donné Sephton to the IFRS Interpretations Committee.

All reappointments are effective from July 2023 to June 2026. For more information, see the press release on the IFRS Foundation’s website.

IFRS Foundation conference announced

03 Apr, 2023

The IFRS Foundation has announced its annual IFRS Foundation conference, which is to be held on 26–27 June 2023. The conference with include discussions and speeches on both, IASB and ISSB developments. It will be held in a hybrid format.

Day 1 of the conference will feature:

  • speeches by the Chairs of the IASB and the ISSB;
  • a guest keynote address;
  • a joint IASB and ISSB update; and
  • first round of breakout sessions.

Day 2 will feature:

  • a panel discussion — Reflecting long term risks and uncertainties in corporate reporting;
  • second round of breakout sessions;
  • third round of breakout sessions; and
  • an interactive Q&A session with leaders from the IASB.

Breakout sessions to choose from will include:

  • Primary financial statements
  • Consistent application of IFRS Accounting Standards: hot topics
  • Financial instruments update
  • Business combinations — Disclosures, goodwill and impairment
  • Capacity building for sustainability-related reporting
  • Introduction to S1 General Requirements
  • Introduction to S2 Climate-related Disclosures

Please click for more information on the conference page on the IFRS Foundation website.

IFRS Foundation publishes its 2022 annual report

04 Apr, 2023

The IFRS Foundation has published its annual report and audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022.

The report for 2022 provides an overview of the IFRS Foundation’s activities during the past year and sets out the Foundation’s, IASB’s and ISSB's priorities for 2023. The report also discusses the consolidation of the IFRS Foundation, the Climate Disclosure Standards Board and the Value Reporting Foundation, the inaugural work of the ISSB, and key milestones of the IASB.

For more information, see the press release and annual report on the IFRS Foundation website.

IFRS Foundation seeks feedback on its website

28 Apr, 2023

The IFRS Foundation is inviting feedback from users of its website, ifrs.org, on the content and design of the site. The foundation has been publishing sustainability disclosure information alongside its accounting information since the introduction of the ISSB in 2022. The move followed the consolidation of the foundation with the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) and the Value Reporting Foundation (VRF).

The foundation said that it is keen to ensure it meets the information needs of as many of its users as possible. The anonymous survey will be open until 14 May 2023, and respondents will be able to indicate their interest in participating in follow-up interviews.

For more information, see the press release on the IFRS Foundation’s website.

Interoperability, proportionality, flexibility

27 Apr, 2023

The International Organization for Securities Commissions (IOSCO) has released the transcript of a key note address given by Jean-Paul Servais, Chair of the IOSCO Board, at the Eurofi 2023 Conference in Stockholm.

Mr Servais welcomed the efforts of the standard setters that are likely to result in both sustainability-related disclosure standards and related assurance standards to be ready for use by corporates for their end-2024 accounts and noted that this was in response to significant investor demand for high quality and reliable sustainability disclosures.

He stressed that a global language for sustainability disclosures is needed in order to promote greater consistency and comparability of disclosures and highlighted that IOSCO, therefore, welcomes the ISSB's commitment to publishing its global standards for climate disclosures and general requirements in Q2.

Once they have been released, IOSCO responsibility to consider potential endorsement of the ISSB standards. A potential endorsement should be a game changer and give impetus for the adoption or use of the first global and inclusive framework for sustainability-related disclosures by corporates. Mr Servais stated:

Three factors will be key to achieving global uptake. First, maximising interoperability between the global framework and jurisdictional frameworks will be an important factor. Second, IOSCO will be receptive to the mechanisms designed to allow for a sufficient degree of proportionality to ensure all jurisdictions can get on board. Third, we see merit in building in limited flexibility for some disclosure requirements, in order to alleviate legitimate concerns relating to data availability and the preparedness of companies to comply in a timely manner. This takes into account the reality that, while the direction of travel is the same, we may not all travel at the same speed.

Please click to read the full text of the speech on the IOSCO website.

ISSB hosts conference on integrated thinking and reporting to drive sustainability business practices

27 Apr, 2023

On 12 June 2023, the ISSB will host an event ‘IFRS Integrated Thinking & Reporting Conference’ which will bring together industry leaders, standard setters, and academics to share insights and best practices in integrated thinking and reporting.

The conference will offer an opportunity for participants to learn about the latest progress in integrated thinking and academic research, as well as the systems and processes that organisations are implementing to manage and understand these issues. It will include a showcase of the efforts of the ISSB in embedding the principles and concepts of the Integrated Reporting Framework within its standards.

The conference is free-of-charge. For more information, see the press release on the IFRS Foundation’s web site.

ISSB issues podcast on latest Board developments (April 2023)

25 Apr, 2023

The IFRS Foundation has released a podcast discussing highlights from the April 2023 ISSB meetings. The podcast is hosted by ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber and Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd.

Highlights of the podcast include discussions on:

  • update on foundational work;
  • decisions made at the ISSB’s supplementary April 2023 meeting;
  • decisions made at the April 2023 ISSB meeting;
  • inaugural Sustainability Standards Advisory Forum meeting;
  • Jurisdictional Working Group;
  • work with the Frankfurt Consortium; and
  • statement from the G7.

The podcast (14 minutes) can be accessed on the IFRS Foundation website.

ISSB will set up transition implementation group on IFRS S1 and IFRS S2

28 Apr, 2023

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) is seeking nomination of suitable candidates for membership of the 'Transition Implementation Group on IFRS S1 and IFRS S2' (TIG).

The TIG informs the ISSB about potential implementation questions that could arise when companies implement the new standards IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information and IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures.

The purpose of the TIG is to solicit, analyse and discuss stakeholder questions arising from implementation of the new standards, to inform the ISSB about those implementation questions, which will help the ISSB determine what, if any, action will be needed to address those questions, and to provide a public forum for stakeholders to learn about the new Standards from others involved with implementation.

Please click for more information on the IFRS Foundation website.

May 2023 IASB supplementary meeting agenda posted

28 Apr, 2023

The IASB has posted the agenda for its next meeting, which will be held in a hybrid format on 3 May 2023 to discuss international tax reform (pill two model rules) project.

The full agenda for the meeting can be found here. We will post any updates to the agenda, our comprehensive pre-meeting summaries, as well as observer notes from the meeting on this page as they become available.

New appointments to the Islamic Finance Consultative Group

12 Apr, 2023

The IASB has made new appointments to the Islamic Finance Consultative Group (IFCG), a group that advises the IASB on issues related to Islamic finance.

Ashruff Jamall has been appointed as a member of the IFCG. Mr Jamall is the Global Islamic Finance Leader at PwC Middlle East and has over 30 years of experience in conventional and Islamic finance.

Meanwhile, Faiz Azmi has stepped down as IFCG Chair after serving in that role for six year. However, he will remain a member of the IFCG. Bruce Mackenzie has taken over as the new Chair of the IFCG, having previously served as Vice-Chair of the group. Mr Mackenzie is also a member of the IASB.

For more information, see the press release on the IFRS Foundation’s website.

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These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.