CGIUKI publishes Code of Practice to support effective board performance reviews

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25 Jul, 2023

The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland (CGIUKI) has published a new Code of Practice to support effective board performance reviews.

The Code is accompanied by two other, related, documents:

  • Principles of Good Practice for listed companies using external board reviewers. These principles outline how an organisation should engage with its reviewer in order both to achieve the maximum benefit and to give assurance to its stakeholders.
  • New guidance for listed companies about reporting on board performance reviews, which particularly looks at striking the balance between the information needs of the organisation’s stakeholders and the board’s legitimate desire to avoid breaching confidentiality.

To support the improvement of board performance reviews further, from September 2023, the CGIUKI will offer the following:

  • Training courses for those new/less experienced in Board Reviews.
  • An Accreditation service for Board Reviewers (organisations and individuals).
  • Training, workshops, toolkits and templates for those procuring Board Effectiveness Review services or charged with undertaking an internal Board Review.

The new Code of Practice and the other two accompanying documents are available on the GCIUKI website.

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