Chair of the Trustees speaks at EAA Conference

  • IFRS Trustees speeches (blue) Image

28 May, 2023

Erkki Liikanen, Chair of the IFRS Foundation Trustees, spoke at the he European Accounting Association Conference about relationships between the IFRS Foundation, its standard-setting boards, and the academic community around the world.

Mr Liikanen opened his speech by introducing the recent work of the IASB and the ISSB and pointing out parallels between what lead to establishing the two Boards. He noted that companies, investors, regulators, auditors and academics all benefited from the global lingua franca of IAS/IFRS and will also do so from a global global baseline of sustainability disclosures for the capital markets.

Mr Liikanen also noted that none of this would have been or will be possible without the deep involvement of the academic community:

We value academic research for its independence and rigour. We continually look for high-quality evidence that can assist in making standard-setting decisions.

Please click to access the full transcript of his speech on the IFRS Foundation website.

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