EFRAG publishes second set of technical explanations on ESRSs

  • EFRAG document (dk green) Image

01 Mar, 2024

EFRAG (formerly European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) has published the second set of technical explanations to assist stakeholders in the implementation of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRSs).

The technical explanations comprise of 12 items and are grouped in chapters according to their nature (cross-cutting, environment, social and other). 

The explanations are provided as part of EFRAG's role as technical advisor to the European Commission to provide a practical and timely support for preparers and others in the implementation of ESRSs. They have been added to the ESRS Q&A platform launched in October 2023 that entities can use to submit ESRS implementation questions to EFRAG.

To facilitate accessibility, EFRAG plans to publish at the end of each quarter a collection of all explanations published during the quarter.

For more information, including access to the technical explanations and the Q&A platform, please see the press release on the EFRAG website. 

The first set of technical explanations is available here.

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