Summary of the April 2024 SCC meeting

  • Meeting (blue) Image

21 May, 2024

The Sustainability Consultative Committe (SCC) met via video conference call on 29 April 2024. A summary of the meeting is now available.

The SCC discussed the Inaugural Jurisdictional Guide for the Adoption and other use of ISSB Standards. The ISSB staff outlined the significance and nuances of how the guide facilitates the adoption and other use of the ISSB standards across jurisdictions, highlighting detailed concepts including jurisdiction profiles, necessary modifications and various provisions including transition reliefs. 

The SCC also received an update on the ISSB's consultation on agenda priorities. The ISSB staff reflected on the extensive feedback received as part of the public consultation. This included prioritising the implementation of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2, enhancing the SASB standards, and launching two new research projects focusing on biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services, and human capital. 

Please click to access the summary on the IFRS Foundation website.

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