The AASB establishes a Sustainability Assurance Committee

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May 16, 2023

On May 16, 2023, in response to the IAASB’s approval of the project proposal for the development of an overarching sustainability assurance standard, ISSA 5000, the AASB has established the Sustainability Assurance Committee to enhance its technical expertise in this area and support the Board’s sustainability assurance projects.

The roles and responsibilities of the Sustainability Assurance Committee are to:

  • understand current and explore future Canadian trends, practices, and challenges related to sustainability assurance;
  • review the IAASB agenda materials to determine the impact and issues relevant to Canada, and provide input to the AASB for its consideration;
  • assist the AASB in its future Canadian sustainability assurance activities and standard setting; and
  • assist the AASB with external outreach and collaboration activities with other Canadian Standard-setting Boards (AcSB, PSAB, and CSSB).

Access the details of this Committee on the FRAS Canada website.

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