XRB publishes guidance on Climate-related matters in financial

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Nov 23, 2023

On November 23, 2023, The New Zealand External Reporting Board (XRB) published staff guidance on climate-related matters in financial statements.

The introduction to the guidance notes:

“With the introduction of mandatory climate-related disclosures climate reporting entities will need to help users understand whether, how, and to what extent, climate-related matters are reflected in an entity's financial statements. Financial statements and climate-related disclosures supplement and complement each other and together should present a coherent picture”

The publication analyses the coherence between financial statements and climate-related disclosures in three broad chapters:

  1. Impact of climate-related matters in financial statements
  2. Coherence between financial statements and climate-related disclosures
  3. Differences between financial statements and climate-related disclosures

It also offers an appendix on the coherence principle.

Access the XRB guide here

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