CPAB Responds to the ISSB’s Exposure Drafts

  • CPAB - Assurance Image

Aug 08, 2022

On August 8, 2022, the Cana­dian Pub­lic Ac­count­abil­ity Board (CPAB) posted a copy of its response letter in respect of the ISSB’s Exposure Drafts, “General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability‐related Financial Information” and “Climate‐related Disclosures”.

CPAB notes that it is supportive of the ongoing work of the ISSB to deliver a comprehensive global baseline of sustainability‐related disclosure standards and the overall objective to require entities to disclose information about significant sustainability‐related risks and opportunities. The reliability of sustainability‐related reporting is important and CPAB supports moving toward assurance requirements for certain of these disclosures. As assurance providers and regulators begin to encounter sustainability‐related disclosures more frequently, CPAB anticipates they may face some challenges in determining whether the entity has complied with the proposals the ISSB has outlined. These challenges are discussed in CPAB’s response.

Re­view the response letter on the CPAB’s web­site.

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