June 2019 IFRS Taxonomy Consultative Group meeting papers available

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Jun 12, 2019

On June 12, 2019, the In­ter­na­tional Ac­count­ing Stan­dards Board (the Board) made available the agenda and meeting papers for the next meeting of the IFRS Taxonomy Consultative Group to be held on Monday, June 24, 2019.

Top­ics to be dis­cussed at the meet­ing in­clude:

  • IFRS Taxonomy – Usefulness of the IFRS Taxonomy Guides and an update on the IFRS Taxonomy strategy. See agenda papers AP1 and AP2;
  • Primary Financial Statements – Interaction of electronic reporting and this IASB project. See agenda papers AP3A, AP3B and AP4; and
  • Disclosure Initiative – Interaction of electronic reporting and this IASB project. See agenda paper AP5.

Re­view the agenda papers on the Board's web­site.

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