IPSASB: Public Sector needs a holistic approach to sustainability

  • PSAS - IPSASB Image

Apr 26, 2023

On April 26, 2023, the In­ter­na­tional Pub­lic Sec­tor Ac­count­ing Stan­dards Board (IP­SASB) has made available a recording of “Equipping the Public Sector for Sustainability Action”. The recording relates to the discussions at a conference held in Brussels earlier this month at which the IPSASB teamed up with the International Federation of Accountants and Accountancy Europe to host a forum on how to help governments measure and report on their contributions to addressing global climate change and other sustainability challenges.

As noted in a recent article in Accountancy Europe, this move comes as sustainability reporting has taken on greater urgency around the world as extreme weather events become an almost daily occurrence. The International Sustainability Standards Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the European Commission have all unveiled or proposed climate-related disclosures for companies to make over the past year, but governments also need to report on their progress, not only in terms of meeting the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Watch the recording which is avail­able on the IP­SASB's web­site.

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