CPA support of climate change recommendations ‘hugely important’ to achieving goals of task force

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May 28, 2018

On May 28, 2018, CPA Canada posted a summary of an interview where Mark Carney, the Bank of England Governor, talks to Joy Thomas, CPA Canada President and CEO, about how he defines the success of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure, and the role accountants will play in it.

According to Carney, CPA Canada, its members and others worldwide have an opportunity to help shape good practice.

Governor Carney also is chair of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), which, at the request of the G20, created a task force to develop a set of voluntary disclosures to help establish greater reporting consistency on climate change issues. The disclosures are for use by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, insurers and other stakeholders.

There are three keys to achieving success, explains Carney: Establishing recommendations, getting buy-in from the users, and putting the elements into practice.

Review the summary and video on CPA Canada's website.

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