IESBA Alert re the June 2019 Launch of its eCode

  • IESBA (International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants) (lt gray) Image

May 31, 2019

On May 31, 2019, the In­ter­na­tional Ethics Stan­dards Board for Ac­coun­tants (IESBA) re­leased an alert regarding the proposed launch on June 26, 2019 of its eCode—an innovative digital product that offers professional accountants a new way to engage with the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards).

The alert also advises that the IESBA will hold a 30-minute webinar on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at which IESBA Member Brian Friedrich will explain IESBA’s vision for the eCode and provide a quick walkthrough to demonstrate the eCode’s structure, key features and functionalities.

Re­view the press re­lease on the IESBA's web­site.

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