Integrated thinking, reporting and sustainability

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Nov 19, 2019

On November 19, 2019, Accounting Today released an article on how we work with standards and systems that are entirely wrapped around the notion of protecting the investor and the returns due to them. However, these views are being challenged and we see it in current political debates around the world.

Individuals are critical of the short-termism that current systems encourage, and they are reflecting on how to change things for the better. Now the focus is upon shifting to wider societal obligations — how to deal with the current issues of jobs and employment, long-term profitability, sustainability and the implementation of technology? These real issues are the ones that past business leaders have not had to deal with. However, they represent an opportunity for the accounting profession to play a role in engaging with clients, businesses and colleagues, to help society evolve so it becomes resilient for the long term.

Review the full article on Accounting Today's website.

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