Seven insights from geopolitical, economic experts for corporate leaders

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Sep 26, 2019

On September 26, 2019, the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) BoardTalk published an article on how geopolitical events and international trade developments are reshaping the global economy, and companies are having to grapple with complex ripple effects.

To help corporate directors and senior executives navigate these complex challenges, NACD featured two mainstage events focused on geopolitical risk and international trade at its 2019 Global Board Leaders’ Summit.

The sessions surfaced the following insights to attendees:

  1. Cybersecurity remains top of mind
  2. Today’s era of uncertainty will have long-lasting effects
  3. Ambiguity creates room for new opportunities
  4. Emerging markets will play a critical role
  5. Democracy and capitalism are still wedded
  6. Prepare for a continuous learning journey
  7. Corporate leaders must avoid complacency

Review the article on the NACD BoardTalk's website.

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