IESBA releases additional guidance on its proposed definition of a public interest entity

  • IESBA (International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants) (lt gray) Image

Mar 12, 2021

On March 12, 2021, the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) released a new staff publication providing additional context to the Board’s recently proposed revisions to the definition of a public interest entity (PIE).

This staff publication supplements the guidance material in the explanatory memorandum of the Exposure Draft "Proposed Revisions to the Definitions of Listed Entity and Public Interest Entity in the Code" (PIE ED), which was released in January.

It will assist local regulators, national standard setters or other relevant local bodies in considering and planning adoption of the revised PIE definition when finalized and issued by the IESBA. The IESBA recognizes that there may be refinements to the proposals as a result of the comments received on exposure.

Review the press release and publication on the IESBA's website.

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