European Commission adopts guidelines on the disclosure of non-financial information

  • European Union Image

Jun 26, 2017

The EU Directive on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by large companies and groups addressing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues entered into force on December 6, 2014. The European Commission (EC) has now adopted non-binding guidelines on the disclosure of non-financial information by companies. Their objective is to help companies fulfil the requirement to disclose relevant and useful information on environmental and social matters in a consistent and more comparable way.

The guide­lines propose that any company should disclose relevant in­for­ma­tion on the actual and potential impacts of its op­er­a­tions on the en­vi­ron­ment, and on how current and fore­see­able en­vi­ron­men­tal matters may affect the company. Greater and more relevant trans­parency is expected to lead towards a major reduction of green­house gas emissions and cli­mate-re­silient growth and jobs.

The following documents are available on the EC website:

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