OSC makes doing business easier for Ontario market participants

  • Securities - OSC Image

Nov 19, 2019

On November 19, 2019, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) moved forward with more than 100 specific actions to reduce burden for market participants doing business in Ontario’s capital markets. As these changes are made, individuals and businesses regulated by the OSC can expect to see enhanced service levels, less duplication and a more tailored regulatory approach.

The changes will make it easier to start, fund and grow a business in Ontario, and make Ontario’s markets more competitive. While these initiatives will benefit businesses of all sizes, the OSC has carefully considered opportunities to benefit small and medium-sized companies, which make up nearly 70 per cent of those regulated by the OSC, and smaller registrant firms, which make up nearly a third of Ontario registrants.

Highlights include:

  • Small and medium-sized businesses that are registrants will see clear service standards for compliance reviews, and, in appropriate cases, be able to hire a Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) who acts in that role for other, unaffiliated firms. Companies will see more support for raising capital in the public markets, through a confidential prospectus review process prior to announcing an IPO or other financing.
  • Innovative businesses and startups will receive more flexibility in the OSC’s approach to registration, resales in the secondary market, and other regulatory requirements. Individuals applying to be CCO of fintech firms will be assessed based on their qualifications and on their broader business experience, and how the experience aligns with the firm’s business model. Startups seeking financing will see crowdfunding rules harmonized across the country.
  • Large businesses will see duplicative filing requirements eliminated in investment funds and registration rules; delivery of documents, like prospectuses, electronically; and measures to facilitate the registration of multiple CCOs for large registrants with multiple lines of business. Public companies will have the ability to conduct at-the-market offerings without obtaining prior exemptive relief.

The 107 initiatives outlined in the report address 34 underlying concerns identified by staff during the consultation process. The initiatives will address those concerns by clarifying regulatory expectations, improving technology, enhancing coordination with other regulators, and providing greater support during regulatory interactions.

Review the press release and report on the OSC's website.

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