Comment deadline for FREDs 58 — 60

When 30 Apr, 2015
from to
Timezone UTC + 1
Where London
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In September 2014 the FRC consulted on the future of accounting standards for micro-entities, small entities and other amendments to accounting standards necessary as result of the UK implementation of the EU Accounting Directive (“the Directive”). This followed a consultation issued by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) on the implementation of the Directive, which sought to consolidate existing legislation on financial reporting and reduce the regulatory burden on smaller companies.  Following the government response on the UK implementation of the Directive, the FRC has now issued three Financial Reporting Exposure Drafts (FREDs) for public comment which propose changes to the existing UK financial reporting framework.  They are FREDs 58, 59 and 60 and comments are invited until 30 April 2015.

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