Advisory Panel on impairment will meet

  • IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (blue) Image

24 Feb, 2010

In November 2009, when it issued an Exposure Draft on Impairment of Financial Instruments Measured at Amortised Cost, the IASB announced that because of significant practical challenges in moving to an expected loss model, it will establish an Expert Advisory Panel comprising experts in credit risk management to advise the board.

The Advisory Panel was formed and held its first meeting in December 2009. It will hold its second meeting on Thursday 25 February (10:30-18:00h London time) and Friday 26 February (09:00-14:00h London time) 2010 at the IASB's offices in London. The meeting is open to public observation. Click for list of Advisory Panel Members (PDF 18k).

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