GRI updates its Sustainability Reporting Guidelines

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25 Mar, 2011

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has released its G3.1 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines ("G3.1").

The Guidelines are an essential part of GRI's Reporting Framework which provides guidance on how organisations can disclose their sustainability performance.

G3.1 is an update and completion of the third generation of GRI's Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and includes expanded guidance for reporting on human rights, local community impacts, and gender.

In conjunction with the new reporting guidelines, GRI has also released guidance to help companies determine what to measure and report on, called The Technical Protocol — Applying the Report Content Principles, designed to enable organisations to produce relevant reports more easily.

More companies are choosing to produce the GRI guidelines in producing a sustainability report. For instance, 17 out of 18 members of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), which includes many of the world's biggest resources companies, disclosed social and environmental data in line with GRI standards in 2010.

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