New EFRAG TEG composition as of April 2013 announced

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

14 Dec, 2012

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has announced the composition of the EFRAG Technical Expert Group (TEG) to take effect as of April 2013. Among the three newly appointed members is Andreas Barckow, leader of Deloitte Germany's IFRS Centre of Excellence and member of Deloitte's Global IFRS Leadership Team (GILT).

It is through the TEG that the EFRAG operates. TEG makes its decisions independently of the EFRAG Supervisory Board and all other interests. The 12 voting members are selected from a range of professional and geographical backgrounds from throughout Europe. Members of the EFRAG Technical Expert Group are required to act in the public interest and not to consider themselves as representing sectoral or national interests.

EFRAG's goals pursued through the TEG are:

  • to provide technical expertise to the European Commission concerning the use of IAS/IFRS within Europe,
  • to participate in IASB's standard setting process,
  • to coordinate within the EU the development of views concerning international accounting standards.

In addition to Andreas Barckow, Marios Cosma (Cyprus) and Bill Hicks (UK) were appointed. The existing EFRAG TEG members Gabi Ebbers and Araceli Mora were reappointed. Françoise Flores was reappointed as the EFRAG Chairman.

Please click for the EFRAG press release announcing the appointments and offering comments by Hans van Damme, Acting Chair of the Nominating Committee of the EFRAG Supervisory Board, and Françoise Flores (link to EFRAG website).

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