EFRAG and ASB publish position paper and feedback statement on the effects of accounting standards

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image
  • ASB (UK Accounting Standards Board) (lt blue) Image

17 Jul, 2012

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) and the Accounting Standards Board (the ASB) of the FRC have jointly published Position Paper ‘Considering the Effects of Accounting Standards’ and its related Feedback Statement. The Position Paper signifies the final positions of the EFRAG and ASB following the consultation period of Discussion Paper 'Considering the Effects of Accounting Standards'.

The Position paper is geared towards helping standard setters implement 'effect analysis' in the standard setting process. The goal is to enhance the transparency of due process and to increase the accountability and credibility of the standard setter. The Position paper recommends four steps to use when performing effect analysis. The four steps are:

Step 1:
Formulate the entire plan of effect analysis, explaining the intended outcomes at the agenda setting stage;

Step 2:
Encourage input on anticipated effects when due process documents are issued;

Step 3:
Document a summary of inputs from stakeholders by collecting all evidence received, and make the document publicly available; and

Step 4:
Measure actual effects during the process of post-implementation reviews.

The related Feedback Statement provides a summary of the main issues respondents had from the January 2011 Discussion Paper 'Considering the Effects of Accounting Standards.'

Click to view (links to EFRAG web site):

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