Trustees announce membership update and upcoming review of IASB size

  • IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (blue) Image

24 Feb, 2014

The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation (1) reappointed Amaro Gomes and Pat Finnegan to serve as IASB members for another five years and (2) deferred any appointments of IASB members that replace retiring members until the completion of its 2015 Constitution Review.

In 2015, the Trustees will conduct a review of the overall structure and effectiveness of the IFRS Foundation, in particular, the review will seek public input on the appropriate size of the IASB. The Trustees have deferred the replacement of retiring board members (occurring in June 2014), in an effort to reduce any prejudgment when considering the size of the IASB and its geographical diversity.

In June 2014, Jan Engström and Patricia McConnell will be leaving the IASB. Mr Engström will have completed his second full term and will no longer be eligible for reappointment. Ms McConnell has decided not to seek a second term.

For more information, see the press release on the IASB website.

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