Pre-meeting summaries for the February IASB meeting

  • IASB meeting (blue) Image

14 Feb, 2018

The IASB will meet at its offices in London on 20 and 22 February 2018. We have posted our pre-meeting summaries for the meeting that allow you to follow the IASB’s decision making more closely. For each topic to be discussed we summarise the agenda papers made available by the IASB staff and point out the main issues to be discussed by the IASB and the staff recommendations.

There are eight topics on the agenda.

Tuesday 20 February

Disclosure Initiative

The Board will discuss the detailed feedback received on the Disclosure Initiative—Principles of Disclosure Discussion Paper. There are 12 papers for this session, plus a cover note.

Primary Financial Statements

The Staff are responding to the Board’s request in January to clarify what is meant by a ‘key performance measure’ and a measure that is ‘specified or defined in IFRS Standards’. The staff are also recommending that when a management performance measure (MPM) is reported an adjusted EPS that is calculated consistently with the MPM must be presented, together with supporting disclosures.  Finally, the staff are also recommending that, within the investing section of the statement of cash flows, a distinction be made between cash flows arising from integral and non-integral associates and joint ventures.

Thursday 22 February

Dynamic Risk Management

In this paper, the Staff set out the qualifying criteria for designating an item into the asset profile, which defines which items are managed for interest rate risk and are therefore subject to performance assessment under the DRM model. They also discuss some technicalities about designation and situations requiring de-designation, as well as documentation requirements.

Business Combinations under Common Control

The Staff are recommending that the Board use the acquisition method in IFRS 3 as the starting point in developing proposals for accounting for business combinations for which all of the parties to the combination are under common control.


The Staff will give the Board a status update on its research programme. The Staff are recommending that the Board start work in the next few months on variable and contingent consideration; provisions; extractive activities; pension benefits that depend on asset returns; and SMEs that are subsidiaries. Work on equity method; pollutant pricing mechanisms; high inflation (the scope of IAS 29); and post-implementation reviews of IFRS 10-12; and IFRS 5 should commence in 2019 or early 2020.


The staff will give the Board a summary of the first Insurance Contracts TRG meeting. 

Analysis of due process documents

This Staff have set out for the Board the different purposes of Discussion Papers (DP) and Exposure Drafts (ED). This session is being held in anticipation of the Board’s decisions about whether it should publish a DP or an ED for the projects on primary financial statements, goodwill and impairment as well as rate-regulated activities.

Rate regulated Activities

The staff are recommending that the model being developed specify the unit of account as the individual timing differences (as opposed to the net of all timing differences) arising from the regulatory agreement. The staff also explain why they consider that rate-regulated rights and obligations meet the revised definitions of assets and a liabilities in the forthcoming Conceptual Framework.

More information

Our pre-meeting summaries are available on our February meeting note page and will be supplemented with our popular meeting notes after the meeting.

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