Agenda for the September 2018 IFRS Advisory Council meeting

  • IFRS AC meeting (mid blue) Image

09 Aug, 2018

An agenda has been released for the upcoming meeting of the IFRS Advisory Council, which is being held in London on 4–5 September 2018.

A summary of the agenda is set out below:

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Morning session (09:00-13:00)

  • Welcome and Chair's preview
  • Tee-up strategic trends
    • Breakout session on strategic trends
  • Tee-up due process review
  • Tee up addressing perceptions about timeliness
    • Breakout session on addressing perceptions about timeliness

Afternoon session (14:00-17:45)

  • Tee-up comment letters
    • Breakout session on comment letters
  • Feedback session on addressing perceptions about timeliness
  • Update on the Board and the Foundation
  • Feedback session on comment letters

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Morning session (9:00-12:00)

  • Tee-up strategic trends and the Foundation
    • Breakout session on strategic trends and the Foundation
  • Tee-up IFRS Taxonomy
    • Breakout session on IFRS Taxonomy

Afternoon session (13:15-14:50)

  • Recap on observed strategic trends
  • Feedback session on IFRS Taxonomy
  • Summary of advice received on the Due Process review
  • Sum up meeting

Agenda papers for the meeting are available on the IASB website.

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Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.