EFRAG publishes discussion paper on non-exchange transfers

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

27 Nov, 2018

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has published a discussion paper (DP) 'Non-exchange transfers: A role for societal benefit?' The DP explores the accounting for transfers in which an entity received (or gives) value without directly giving (or receiving) approximately equal value in exchange. The DP aims to provide a comprehensive approach and conceptual basis for the recognition of non-exchange transfers (NETs).

EFRAG notes that the purpose of the DP is "to encourage debate on:

  • a) whether transfers in which an entity either receives or gives value from another entity without directly giving or receiving approximately equal value in exchange [NETs] have differentiating characteristics that could warrant a specific accounting treatment; and
  • b) if a specific accounting treatment is warranted, the possible features of that accounting treatment. The DP therefore explores a comprehensive approach and conceptual basis for the recognition of NETs."

The DP and a press release are available on the EFRAG website. Comments are due by 30 April 2019.

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