FRC to host webinar to review early reporting against the new UK Stewardship Code

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21 Sep, 2020

The FRC is hosting a webinar which will present the findings of its review of early reporting against the new UK Stewardship Code.

The new UK Stewardship Code took effect for reporting years beginning on or after 1 January 2020. In order to support prospective signatories in meeting the higher expectations set by the Code, the FRC will publish a 'Review of Early Reporting'. The Review will detail the expectations for reporting, identify effective examples and highlight where reporting needs to improve. 

In order to coincide with the launch of the review the FRC will host a webinar on the morning of the 30th September at 11am. The webinar will include an introduction from Mark Babington, FRC’s Executive Director of Regulatory Standards, and a presentation of the key findings from Claudia Chapman, Head of Stewardship. This will be a followed by a Q&A session which will give attendees the opportunity to ask questions about applying and reporting on the Code.

Further details and how to register for the event are available on the FRC website

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