GHG Protocol releases draft summaries of Scope 3 Standard feedback

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15 Mar, 2024

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol secretariat has released a draft summary report providing a detailed overview of stakeholder feedback from a survey it conducted on its Scope 3 Standard. In addition, the secretariat has released a proposal summary giving an overview of proposal submissions related to the Scope 3 Standard.

The inclusion of feedback in the summaries does not indicate that a recommendation will be implemented or reflected in updates to either the Scope 3 Standard or Scope 3 Technical Guidance. Instead, the GHG Protocol secretariat and governance bodies are prioritising which topics to address in the update process, including the scope of work for updates and additional guidance and resources.

According to the draft summary report, the aim of any updates will be to align with best practice approaches to ensure that the GHG Protocol standards for corporate accounting and reporting are effective in providing a rigorous and credible accounting foundation for businesses to measure, plan, and track progress toward science-based and net-zero targets in line with the global 1.5°C goal. Any future updates will seek harmonisation and interoperability with accounting rules under development through major disclosure initiatives.

The review period for the summaries is open until 15 April 2024.  

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