Agenda for the January 2024 IRCC meeting

  • Meeting (blue) Image

26 Jan, 2024

The IFRS Foundation's advisory group, the Integrated Reporting and Connectivity Council (IRCC), will hold its next meeting on 30 January 2024.

The meeting will focus on stakeholder feedback on integration in reporting and will have breakout group sessions to facilitated discussions on the following questions:

  • Having considered the stakeholder feedback received what are your reflections/observations in light of the responses received?
  • In light of the stakeholder feedback to the agenda consultation, what advice would you provide to the IASB, ISSB or IASB-ISSB jointly over a) the short-term; b) the medium-term; and c) the long-term?

Please click for the meeting agenda and papers on the IFRS Foun­da­tion website.

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