IFRS Foundation translations
27 Mar 2015
The IFRS Foundation has announced the publication of new Hebrew, Japanese and Spanish translations.
Access the following via the IASB's Web Shop or on its eIFRS site unless otherwise noted:
- Hebrew translations of the following:
- IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers (May 2014)
- Agriculture: Bearer Plants (Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 41) (June 2014)
- Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements (Amendments to IAS 27) (August 2014)
- Annual Improvements 2012—2014 (September 2014)
- Japanese translation of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (July 2014)
- Spanish translation of Exposure Draft Classification of Liabilities (Proposed amendments to IAS 1) (February 2015) is available free of charge on the IASB's 'Comment on a proposal' webpage