Recent sustainability reporting developments
22 Mar 2016
A summary of recent developments at the GRI and CDP.
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has released The Next Era of Corporate Disclosure: Digital, Responsible, Interactive, a digital publication that maps out the future of sustainability reporting and disclosure. According to GRI, the future will involve new formats with organisations moving from annual reports to sustainability data exchange, while focusing on major challenges such as climate change and human rights. The publication is the culmination of the first year of GRI’s 'Sustainability and Reporting 2025' project and provides insights from these discussions. Please click to access the report on the GRI website.
The GRI and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) have also released two linkage documents. The first document reveals how GRI's G4 Guidelines and CDP's 2016 climate change questions are aligned and the second document shows how GRI’s G4 Guidelines and CDP’s water questions (2016) are aligned. These linkage documents are intended to avoid duplication of disclosure efforts. This harmonisation will help companies to streamline their disclosure efforts and improve the consistency and comparability of environmental data. The GRI and CDP Climate Change and GRI and CDP Water documents can be downloaded from the GRI website.