European Commission proposes changes to the Accounting Directive to increase corporate tax transparency

  • European Union Image

14 Apr 2016

The Commission has adopted a proposal for a Directive which imposes on EU and non-EU multinational groups the publication of a yearly report on the profit and tax paid and other information.

The proposal would amend the Accounting Directive to ensure that large groups publish annually a report disclosing the profit and the tax accrued and paid in each Member State on a country-by-country basis. This information will remain available for five years. Contextual information (turnover, number of employees and nature of activities) will enable an informed analysis and will have to be disclosed for every EU country in which a company is active, as well as for those tax jurisdictions that do not abide by tax good governance standards (so-called tax havens). Aggregate figures will also have to be provided for operations in other tax jurisdictions in the rest of the world.

This European Commission website offers access to a press release, frequently asked questions, a factsheet, the text of the proposal, and an impact assessment.

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