Recent sustainability and integrated reporting developments

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13 Jan 2017

A summary of recent developments at the GRI/IIRC, IRC, and FASB.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has announced the Corporate Leadership Group on integrated reporting 2017 (CLGir 2017) and invites companies to apply to join the group. Coordinated by GRI and in collaboration with the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), the CLGir 2017 will define themes for their explorations of practical topics, including how companies can embed sustainability into the heart of their operations and business strategy by leveraging GRI Standards and the IIRC framework. Please click for more information on the GRI website.

The Integrated Reporting Committee (IRC) of South Africa notes the challenges of disclosing performance against strategic objectives in an integrated report and has published an information paper highlighting the challenges and offers key considerations. Please click to access the paper on the IRC website.

The newest FASB Outlook newsletter provides a contribution by FASB member Marc Siegel titled "Should the FASB have a role in sustainability disclosures?". The article is a reaction to questions raised as to whether the FASB should promulgate standards requiring corporate disclosures about sustainability or environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Mr Siegel concludes that the answer to the question of whether FASB should engage in sustainability and/or ESG issues "is not binary". He notes that the Board engages where those issues are within the boundaries of financial reporting set forth by the FASB's Conceptual Framework but that not all sustainability or ESG information is within the boundaries. Please click to access the article on the FASB website.

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