Recent sustainability and integrated reporting developments

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09 Feb 2017

A summary of recent developments at the GRI, Accountancy Europe, and SEBI.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the international think tank SustainAbility have published the latest insights from the GRI Corporate Leadership Group on Reporting 2025 which explored four key trends fundamental to the UN Sustainable Development Goals: climate change, human rights, wealth inequality, and data and technology. The insights, captured in the report Future Trends in Sustainability Reporting, provide practical guidance to reporting organisations working to respond to the risks and opportunities on the path to a sustainable future. Please click for access to the report on the GRI website.

The GRI has also published an updated version of the GRI Standards/UN Sustainable Development Goals linkage document, which can be downloaded here.

Accountancy Europe has responded to the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)’s discussion paper Supporting Credibility and Trust in Emerging Forms of External Reporting: Ten Key Challenges for Assurance Engagements. Accountancy Europe does not consider it would be the right approach for the IAASB to develop a lot of detailed standards at present. Any guidance should remain at a high level and focus on consistency of principles already present in the IAASB’s assurance framework and ISAE 3000. Please click to access the response on the website of Accountancy Europe.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has published a circular asking the top 500 listed companies in India to adopt integrated reporting. The circular states: "Today an investor seeks both financial as well as non-financial information to take a well-informed investment decision. An integrated report aims to provide a concise communication about how an organisation's strategy, governance, performance and prospects create value over time." Please click to access the circular on the SEBI website.

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