EFRAG announces new Board members

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

26 Oct 2017

The EFRAG’s General Assembly has announced the appointment of three new EFRAG Board members and the reappointment of Andreas Barckow as EFRAG Board Vice-President.

The new Board members are Rosa Bruguera (banking sector, Spanish), Luca Cencioni (industrial and trading companies, Italian), and Enrique Ortega (ICAC Board member, Spain). The new members will begin their three-year terms on 1 November 2017. They replace Patrice Marteau, Alphonse Kugeler, and Chris De Noose.

In addition, an observer seat has be created to represent European private investor organisations and will be filled by Jean Medernach.

For more information, see the press release on the EFRAG’s Web site.

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