Insurance contracts transition resource group holds second technical meeting

  • TRG meeting (mid blue) Image

11 May 2018

The Transition Resource Group (TRG) for Insurance Contracts held its second technical meeting on 2 May 2018.

The purpose of the TRG is to seek feedback on potential issues related to implementation of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts. During the meeting, the TRG discussed the following:

  • Combination of insurance contracts
  • Determining the risk adjustment for non-financial risk in a group of entities
  • Cash flows within the contract boundary
  • Boundary of reinsurance contracts held with repricing mechanisms
  • Determining the quantity of benefits for identifying coverage units
  • Implementation challenges outreach report
  • Reporting on other questions submitted

A summary on the meeting and audio recordings of each session are available on the TRG meeting page on the IASB’s website. For more information, see Deloitte's related IFRS in Focus newsletter.

In addition, see the meeting summary and listen to the podcast on the IASB's website.

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