We comment on the proposed IFRS Foundation Constitution amendments

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17 Sep 2018

We have responded to the IFRS Foundation's exposure draft 'Amending the Terms of Appointment of the IFRS Foundation Trustee Chair and Vice-Chairs' that was published in June 2018.

Our comment letter notes our reservations about the exposure draft:

  • We do not support the proposals; they would over-engineer the Constitution and probably limit rather than help the Trustees and Monitoring Board when making appointments.
  • We do not support making a distinction between internal and external appointments.
  • We would not wish to prevent the direct appointment of a Vice-Chair concurrently with that person's appointment as a Trustee.
  • We continue to support the practice that a Trustee may serve two three-year terms, but can see that a third term of up to three years may be necessary for continuity. We do not support subsequent re-appointments to the IFRS Foundation.

Download the full comment letter here.

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